
Care Work, International Comparisons, July 2018, Toronto

“Care Work”: Facing New Challenges, Involving Professionals and Non-Professionals ; Lessons from International Comparisons

To cope some of the main consequences of social and economic violence, specific professional’s skills, such as those involved in “Care Work” have to be adapted and improved. On the other hand, in many countries, “lay people” are ask to be more involved in the definition of practical responses to different types of injustices.
Moreover, a move from “Cure” to “Care” in societies where more and more individuals are vulnerable, is emerging. In this context, the new ethics of care leads to take into account not only each patient / family’ needs but also each patient / family capabilities.
But, at the same time, the professionalization of Care Work is increasing in almost every developed countries. It comes with a valuation of activities related to care and, to some extent, with the acknowledgment of technical skills associated to those activities along with relational ones.

P. Mossé (LEST, Aix) & T. Harayama (Toyo Univ., Tokyo)  RC30 ISA