
Hospitalization at home, Paris

Sep 29, Toshiko joined Hiromi and Harumi in Paris. They visited the Administration of Hospitalization at home, Paris. Jean-Christophe, paramedical executive, talked about the system of hosoitalization at home.  
The idea of Hospitalization at home, as well as that of Day hospitalization, seems to be in progress also in Japan.  
The system AP-HP of Hospitalization at home covers 800 patients in the region of Paris. This number of patients corresponds to that of one big hospital. 

See Words & Bridge Lilies .


At Bichat, Paris

Front entrance

After the meeting with French nurses at H.-Mondor Hospital in the south of Paris in the morning Sept 28, Hiromi and Harumi visited Biacht Hospital in the north of the city the same day afternoon.


 Hiromi and Harumi had a good time to hear the Coordinator of caring explain French nurses' organization of work.

Old building


Japanese and French nurses at H.-Mondor, Paris

Japanese nurses, Hiromi and Harumi, talked about nurses'organization of work, "planning", with French nurses at AP-HP, Henri-Mondor, Paris, Sep. 28.

Japanese nurses, Hiromi and Harumi, visited the Hospital.

Director of nursing

Explication about the hospital's structure

Executives' office, gastro-enterology

Maryse and her friend, Sylvie, coordinator of caring, realized Japanese and French nurses' meeting.