
A Workshop for the Emerging Convention, Aix, November 5

A workshop was held at the LEST, Aix, November 5 for discussing “Health professions and the emerging convention”,with the Japan Foundation's support. 

Jacques, Anne-Marie and Vaughan

Philippe's research interests involve Franco-Japanese comparisons of nursing profession. Philippe presented with Maryse and Tetsu a hypothesis that the civic and industrial conventions have been dominant in the French health care system,  the civic and domestic conventions in the Japanese system.
Anne-Marie has been studying "the invisible personnel", aides, in hospitals, and Vaughan is interested in executive nurses' coordination in hospitals.
Jacques proposed some methodological points for conducting researches with a small sample.

Maryse, Florent and César

Florent has proposed the new theory of professions. The LEST has accumulated comparative studies in France, Germany and Japan. How can we develop the Societal Analysis after Marc Maurice's work?
César's research involves Franco-Japanese comparisons of professional journalists.
The emerging convention focuses on a kind of social network?

      See forum-bridge-lilies ,
            european sociology.org .


Cabinet infirmier Aix Les Milles

Philippe et Tetsu ont rencontré deux infirmières libéraux à Aix Les Milles. On a parlé des questions des trajectoires et des relations du travail.

Les infirmières libéraux travaillent 50 heures par semaine et elles gagnent plus que les infirmières hospitalières. À Aix Les Milles, l'association fonctionne pour que les clients cherchent bien les infirmières libéraux.

A landscape in Fukushima

A beautiful land at 60 km from the nuclear power plant


Visiting nurses, Nagano

Tetsu visited Ayako's visiting nurses' station, Aiwa group, Nagano, Japan. Five nurses and one clerk work for caring 48 patients at home in Nagano City.

Their caring is mainly focused on patients' pain. They are all experienced, and they work 50-60 hours per week.


Un passage dans la ville d'Hiroshima

Une série des passages "Hondori" se trouve dans la ville d'Hiroshima.
L'entrée d'un passage
Tout comme on le voit dans le film "Hiroshima mon amour" 1959, une femme et un homme se baladent dans un passage. Aujourd'hui, une boutique française Hermes s'est installée dans ce passage.

Hermes, Hiroshima


Hôpital Croix-Rouge, Hiroshima

Sachie a organisé une conférence internationale "Caring and Peace" à Hiroshima les 24-25 mars. Après avoir participé à la conférence, Tetsu a visité l'Hôpital Croix Rouge.

L'image des étudiants morts à l'HCR, Hiroshima
 Voir Words & Bridge Lilies conference-hiroshima-caring-and-peace .

Philippe's Labo

Tetsu passed several days in Aix, the city of Philippe and his wife, Hélène. Tetsu  and Philippe elaborated the questionnaire for the survey concerning nurses' worlds of work at Philippe's Labo.


Philippe's Labo, Lest, Aix


Poste de soins infirmiers, Henri-Mondor, Paris

-Hospitals and the nursing profession : Lessons from franco-japanese comparisons,
Philippe Mossé, Tetsu Harayama, Maryse Boulongne-Garcin, Toshiko Ibe, Hiromi Oku and Vaughan Rogers, John Libbey Eurotext, 2011/01/28. 
 jle.com/fr/ouvrages/  google.co.jp/books/
-L'Hôpital et la profession infirmière, une comparaison France-Japon,
Philippe Mossé, Maryse Boulongne-Garcin, Toshiko Ibe et Tetsu Harayama, 2008, Seli Arslan.
De Boeck, Amazon.fr .

Voir Forum Bridge Lilies.


Advancing the research in international comparisons

A Happy New Year!
We advance our research concerning nurses' organization of work in international comparisons.

Here are some findings.

- French nurses works 35 hours per week, but Japanese nurses more than 47 hours per week. For this reason, French nurses can easily realize thier work life balance. Japanese nurses interrupts their careers in 5 years.
French nurses can accept more technical tasks delegated by physicians than Japanese nurses. Because French nurses delegate domestic tasks to aids. This hierarchy is relatively weak for Japanese nurses.
The number of nursing staff is 1000 for 1000 beds in France (AP-HP) but 700 for 1000 beds in Japan (JNA). The length of patients' staying in hospital is 5 days in France but 17 days in Japan (OECD, JMHLW).  

- In France, the payment DRG "T2A" has been applied in all the sectors (hospitals and also clinics).  The "Pôle", an unit grouping several wards, has been introduced. The conituing education for clinical nurses has developped.
In Japan, the DRG has been applied in big hospitals, and the number of nursing staff and of clinical nurses in hospitals has increased. After the catastrophes March 11, 2011, the function of visiting nurses has become important for community care in the East of Japan.

We observe the impact of New Public Management on French and Japanese hospitals. And we explore a New Governance for organizing the caring.